Wholesome Mama Tribe
11 vs 1328
The number of ingredients banned in personal care products in the United States, versus the number banned in the EU. This gives you a glimpse into the lack of regulation of the products you use on your skin. It's important to be informed consumers.
The average number of chemicals that most women use on their skin in ONE day. While some are harmless, others are endocrine disruptors, neurotoxins, and carcinogens. The sad truth is that the combined chemical burden of all these ingredients negatively affects our health.
Less than 20%
Of all the ingredients you use in your personal care products have even been tested for safety... yet they are still on the shelves for purchase. I'm here to help you spot the difference between safe and toxic. I am here to help you find products that are safe AND effective.
When I started my journey to live a toxin free lifestyle, it was exhausting trying to find recommendations that were truly free of toxic ingredients. There was a lot of misinformation and it was overwhelming. I started Wholesome Mama Tribe to provide a safe place for women to learn and feel empowered to make lifestyle changes. Most importantly, I wanted to create a place for finding all kinds of toxin-free recommendations in all areas of life, not just clean beauty.
My mission is to educate women on body burden and how to make simple and safe swaps!